How to Handle Dental Emergencies [INFOGRAPHIC]
Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile full of healthy teeth. Even if you brush, floss, and visit a dental clinic near New York City regularly, dental emergencies can happen at any moment. That’s why it’s a good idea to know what to do in the event of a dental emergency. If you have a toothache, rinse your mouth out with warm water and try to dislodge anything stuck between your teeth with dental floss. Never apply aspirin or other painkillers directly to the painful area, as this could burn sensitive tissue. A knocked-out tooth should be handled by the crown, rinsed off, and replaced in its socket if possible; when you see your dentist within an hour of the tooth being knocked out, your chances of saving the tooth are much higher. Take a look at this infographic from Park 56 Dental to learn more about handling common dental emergencies. Please share with your friends and family.
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