The Connection Between Your Dental Health and Vision
You care for your teeth to keep them healthy and strong, but, as you may know, poor dental health can negatively affect other systems in your body. There is a connection between diabetes and gum disease, for instance, and bacteria from tooth decay can impact your heart health. What you may not realize, though, is that there is a connection between your dental health and your vision. Could caring for your teeth actually protect your vision?
What is the connection between oral health and eye health? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, oral infections, including periodontal disease, cause an inflammatory response that can damage the optic nerve and cause vision loss. Additionally, people who have old mercury fillings may be at risk for vision problems that include iritis, color-vision issues, retinitis pigmentosa, and the formation of cataracts.
Poor dental hygiene is also known to contribute to the development of open-angle glaucoma. A degenerative eye disease, open-angle glaucoma results from increased fluid build-up in the eye that places damaging pressure on the optic nerve. Left untreated, this condition can cause vision loss and even blindness. One recent study found that the number of natural teeth a person has, an indication of the person’s dental care, is related to the risk of developing glaucoma.
While seeing an eye doctor is important for keeping your eyes healthy, it seems to be just as important to practice good dental habits. These habits include brushing teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once, rinsing daily with an anti-bacterial mouthwash, having old fillings replaced with safer materials, and seeing a dentist for gingivitis treatment or a root canal for a badly diseased tooth. Eating a nutrient-dense diet and avoiding unhealthy practices like smoking and using your teeth for things unrelated to chewing food are also healthy habits. It is also a good practice to see a dentist twice a year for preventative cleanings and follow-up exams.
One of the most important factors when it comes to caring for your teeth is finding a good dentist. At Park 56 Dental Group, we offer pediatric, prosthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, Invisalign®, emergency, and sedation dentistry, all at the highest level of treatment. We serve the Midtown, Central Park, Upper East Side, Park Avenue, and all surrounding Manhattan and New York areas, with a patient-centered practice that has hours to fit your schedule. Schedule your complimentary consultation today by contacting us online or calling us at (212) 826-2322.
How to Choose Eco-Friendly Dental Care Products
You recycle, use LED lights, carry reusable bags to the grocery store and reusable coffee mugs to the coffee shop, and generally try to keep your carbon footprint to a minimum. You are doing what you can to be eco-conscious, but have you taken a good look at your dental care routine? Choosing eco-friendly dental care products is a great way to minimize your environmental impact, as long as you do it safely. Here, we offer suggestions for creating an eco-friendly dental routine that is also good for your oral health.
- Choose toothbrushes made of sustainable materials. It is important to replace worn out toothbrushes frequently, about every three months, but it is hard seeing those plastic toothbrushes go into the garbage can. Fortunately, there are some sustainable alternatives. One option is to look into recycling programs in your area that take plastic toothbrushes, and another is to repurpose your old toothbrushes, using them to clean things like jewelry, sneakers, kitchen appliances, and bathroom grout. You can also reduce the amount of toothbrush you are throwing away each time by using an electric toothbrush and simply disposing of the heads. Perhaps the simplest thing to do, though, is to use a bamboo toothbrush. Bamboo toothbrushes are renewable, sustainable, and fully biodegradable, making them a very eco-friendly option. To find the perfect bamboo toothbrush, look for one that is BPA free and cruelty free, ethically sourced, and soft-bristled so that you won’t cause tooth erosion when you brush.
- Switch out your toothpaste for an eco-friendly option. Look for a toothpaste that contains fluoride, xylitol, and perhaps calcium phosphate, and check to make sure it has the ADA seal of acceptance. Dry toothpaste, available in tablets or powders, is an excellent option because it requires far less packaging than toothpaste in tubes. Dry toothpaste is highly concentrated and does not contain water. It cleans teeth effectively, is typically sold in sustainable packaging, and is portable and resistant to changes in the weather.
- Toss your floss. Floss is great for your teeth, but most string floss is bad for the environment, because it is not biodegradable. Look for dental floss that does not contain plastic, but is made with natural materials like silk, beeswax, or bamboo, which are all 100 percent biodegradable. You could also invest in a water flosser, which does a good job and produces no waste whatsoever.
- Make your own mouthwash. Many commercial mouthwashes contain alcohol, which can try out your mouth, and come in plastic bottles which may or may not be recyclable. It is easy to make your own mouthwash, however, and you can store it in a reusable glass container. DIY mouthwash is made from ingredients like apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and coconut or peppermint oil. Just be aware that you shouldn’t swallow mouthwash, commercial or homemade.
- Be water wise. Did you know that turning off your tap when you brush your teeth can save up to four gallons of water every time you brush? Fill a cup with water to rinse your mouth and then your brush, and turn off the water while you are brushing.
At Park 56 Dental Group, we offer pediatric, prosthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, Invisalign®, emergency, and sedation dentistry, all at the highest level of treatment. We serve the Midtown, Central Park, Upper East Side, Park Avenue, and all surrounding Manhattan and New York areas, with a patient-centered practice that has hours to fit your schedule. Schedule your complimentary consultation today by contacting us online or calling us at (212) 826-2322.
Does menopause affect your oral health?
Menopause is a time of life that brings many unpleasant surprises. Hot flashes, insomnia, and mood swings are some of the commonly known symptoms that affect women going through this stage. Less known is the impact of fluctuating hormone levels on the mouth, but there definitely seems to be a link. As estrogen levels decrease during perimenopause and menopause, many women notice sensitive teeth, painful gums, dry mouth, and other issues.
- Hormonal fluctuations can cause tooth sensitivity. If you often find that your teeth hurt after you eat or drink hot or cold things, you may have sensitive teeth. This condition happens when the inner part of the teeth, the dentin, lose their enamel and cementum coatings, leaving the nerves inside vulnerable.
- Gum inflammation is another side effect of menopause. Women going through menopause might experience gingivostomatitis, an oral health condition that causes gum inflammation and canker sores. Periodontal disease can also develop due to low estrogen levels, leading to gum inflammation, bright red or purple gums, gum tenderness and bleeding, receding gums, pus formation, bad breath, bite issues, and loose teeth or gaps between the teeth. Interestingly, another problem that often occurs with menopause is lowered bone density, which can cause bone loss in the jawbone. The treatment for this condition often includes bisphosphonate drugs, which also help prevent the progression, of periodontal disease. Your dentist or periodontist can also treat periodontal disease by scaling to remove tarter, prescribing antimicrobial oral rinses or oral antibiotics, or performing flap surgery. For severe disease, bone or tissue grafts may be necessary. Practicing impeccable oral hygiene is a major part of controlling periodontal disease, and so is quitting smoking.
- Changes in hormone levels can change the way food tastes. Salty, sour, or peppery foods bother some women, and food can sometimes taste unusually bitter or metallic. Sometimes, these menopause-related taste changes are accompanied by a condition known as burning mouth. As the name implies, burning mouth causes burning, pain, and tenderness around the mouth, including the lips tongue, and cheeks.
- Tooth pain can be caused by menopausal changes. For example, declining estrogen levels can decrease the thickness of the oral mucosal epithelium, leading to greater sensitivity to pain and higher vulnerability to mouth infections.
- Dropping hormones can cause dry mouth. Hormones help support saliva production and maintain the consistency of the saliva, but lower levels of estrogen can decrease your mouth’s ability to produce saliva. Dry mouth makes it uncomfortable to eat, but it can also cause gum sensitivity, mouth ulcers, sore gums, an increase in infections, and cavities.
Often, doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy to help combat the signs of menopause. However, it’s also important to work with your dentist to keep your oral health in good shape. Regular cleanings and check-ups, brushing and flossing daily, taking supplements like calcium and vitamin D, and using products to treat sensitive teeth and dry mouth can all be part of maintaining oral health during menopause. It’s also important to have a good dentist.
At Park 56 Dental Group, we offer pediatric, prosthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, Invisalign®, emergency, and sedation dentistry, all at the highest level of treatment. We serve the Midtown, Central Park, Upper East Side, Park Avenue, and all surrounding Manhattan and New York areas, with a patient-centered practice that has hours to fit your schedule. Schedule your complimentary consultation today by contacting us online or calling us at (212) 826-2322.
How Staying Hydrated Can Help Improve Your Dental Health
You hear it from everyone: drink more water. Experts advise drinking about eight glasses of water each day to help improve your health. Water is good for you for many reasons; it helps you detox, keeps your skin plump, youthful, and clear, and may even reduce your risk of certain cancers. It helps just about every system in the body, from your circulation to your muscles, and it’s no wonder, because we’re made of about 60 percent water. What you may not know, though, is that in addition to all those benefits, remaining well hydrated can improve your dental health. Let’s take a closer look at why that’s true.
- Water strengthens teeth. Water, especially fluoridated water, contains fluoride and other minerals that help restore the calcium and phosphorous levels in dental enamel. Did you know that in communities with fluoridated water, each dollar spent on fluoridation saves about $38 in dental healthcare costs? Drinking water is especially important for young children because it strengthens teeth as they are forming, making them more cavity-resistant throughout the child’s life.
- Drinking water helps clean the mouth. Drinking sugary beverages like soda, sports drinks, and juice can cause sugars to remain on the surface of the teeth. This leads to growth of the bacteria in plaque, which release harmful acids that degrade tooth enamel and cause decay. Drinking water, on the other hand, washes away food residue and discourages bacterial growth. Because food residue and bacteria cause bad breath, people who drink a lot of water have better smelling breath. Drinking water isn’t a substitute for brushing and flossing, but it can be an important part of your dental care routine.
- Dry mouth can be alleviated by drinking water. This makes sense, because saliva is 99 percent water. Dry mouth is a condition in which the mouth does not produce enough saliva, making it harder to chew and swallow, and causing an elevated risk of tooth decay. Drinking water hydrates the mouth and stimulates saliva production, making it a powerful weapon against dry mouth.
- Water can help prevent stains on the teeth. Foods and beverages like coffee, tomato sauce, wine, curry, and citrus fruits can leave behind stains, but drinking water in between bites or sips can quickly rinse away residue before it has the chance to settle into a stain.
- Water is a calorie free beverage. Consumption of sugary beverages contributes to the rising obesity rate in the United States, and people who drink more than one sugary beverage per day are nearly 30 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Water has no calories and no sugar, making it a much healthier option.
At Park 56 Dental Group, we offer pediatric, prosthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, Invisalign®, emergency, and sedation dentistry, all at the highest level of treatment. We serve the Midtown, Central Park, Upper East Side, Park Avenue, and all surrounding Manhattan and New York areas, with a patient-centered practice that has hours to fit your schedule. Schedule your complimentary consultation today by contacting us online or calling us at (212) 826-2322.
Do Genetics Play a Role in Your Dental Health?
At Park 56 Dental, we understand that genetics play a role in your overall health, but did you know that it also plays a role in your dental health? While good oral hygiene habits can go a long way towards protecting your teeth and gums, genetics determine how predisposed you are to certain dental issues. Let’s break down the role of genetics in dental health.
Dental Caries
One of the most common dental problems is tooth decay or cavities. Cavities can be caused by poor oral hygiene habits, but they can also be a result of genetic factors. Studies have found that some people may develop more cavities than others due to their genetic makeup. For example, if you have a family history of cavities, then you may be more likely to develop them yourself.
Tooth Wear and Tear
In addition to cavities, tooth wear and tear can also be affected by genetics. Some people may be genetically predisposed to having weaker teeth than others which make them more prone to experiencing wear and tear earlier in life. This is especially true for those with thinner enamel which makes it harder for their teeth to withstand the pressures of daily activities like chewing and grinding.
Misaligned Teeth
One of the most common effects of genetics on oral health is misaligned (crooked) teeth. In many cases, crooked teeth are caused by genetic factors such as jaw size and shape, or even a difference in the length of two sides of the jaw. If you have crooked teeth, Park 56 Dental in New York can help with orthodontic treatments like braces and Invisalign® to help straighten them out.
Teeth Color
The color of your teeth is another trait that can be influenced by genetics. Some people have naturally whiter teeth than others due to inherited traits, while others may have naturally yellowish or grayish tints to their smile due to genetics as well. Park 56 Dental offers professional whitening services that can help brighten up any shade of smile.
Periodontal Disease
Genetics can also play a role in periodontal (gum) disease as well as other diseases such as diabetes and cancer that may affect your oral health. If you have any family members who have experienced gum disease or other serious dental problems, then you may be at an increased risk for developing these issues as well. It is important to keep track of any family history related to your dental health so that you can take steps to prevent any potential problems from occurring.
Reach Out to Park 56 Dental to Protect Your Smile!
The bottom line is that genetics do play a role in your dental health, but good oral hygiene habits are still important for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. So, if you want to protect yourself from potential dental problems down the road, make sure you brush twice daily, floss once daily, rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash regularly and visit Park 56 Dental at least twice a year for check-ups and cleanings! By taking these steps now, you’ll ensure that your smile remains healthy for many years to come!
Are Water Flossers Worth It?
If you’re looking for an effective way to improve your oral health, you may have heard about water flossers. But are they really worth it? Here at Park 56 Dental in New York, we can tell you the answer is yes. Let’s look at exactly why water flossers are so helpful and how they can make a difference in your smile.
What is a Water Flosser?
A water flosser is an oral hygiene device that uses pulsating streams of water to remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles from between teeth and under the gum line. It is often used as an alternative to traditional string flossing or floss picks for those who find it difficult to use them effectively.
Water Flossers Have the ADA Seal of Acceptance
Get your oral health on the right track by choosing a water flosser with the ADA Seal of Acceptance! With proven safety and effectiveness, these products can help reduce plaque buildup that leads to cavities and gum disease. Plus, they have been clinically tested to lower gingivitis–so you get fresh breath all day long no matter where you are in your smile journey! Check out this list for recommended ADA-Accepted water flossers.
Benefits of Water Flossing
Take your dental hygiene routine to the next level by adding water flossing to your routine. Water flossers are a revolutionary device that provide numerous benefits over traditional flossing:
- Improved Gum Health – Studies have shown that water flossers are significantly more effective at preventing gum disease than traditional string floss. This is because they deliver a steady stream of water directly into hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, making it easier to remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and gums.
- Reduced Bleeding – Traditional string floss can cause your gums to bleed if used incorrectly or too aggressively, but this isn’t an issue with water flossers. The pressure from the stream of water is gentle enough that it won’t aggravate sensitive gums, and yet still powerful enough to remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and gums.
- Time Savings – Traditional string floss takes time—sometimes up to 10 minutes—but with a water flosser, you can clean your entire mouth in just 60 seconds! This makes it much easier to fit into even the busiest of schedules.
- Versatility – Unlike traditional string floss, which can only be used on teeth, water flossers can be used anywhere in the mouth—including between teeth, along the gum line, and even on bridges and braces! It even comes with a variety of tip attachments for different types of cleaning needs (e.g., plaque removal, stain removal).
- Cost Savings – Although they may seem expensive upfront, when you factor in how much time they save you in your daily oral care routine, their cost quickly balances out over time since you don’t need to buy new supplies as often as with traditional string floss. Plus, since they last longer than regular string floss, there is less waste overall too!
We hope this article has helped you understand why using a water flosser is such an important part of any good oral hygiene routine! If you’re interested in learning more about how a water flosser can help improve your smile, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at Park 56 Dental in New York today! We look forward to helping you achieve the best possible results for your mouth and teeth!
How Regular Dental Visits Can Help Fight Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious disease that affects millions of people worldwide. While it is primarily managed through diet and medication, recent studies have shown that there may be another important factor–dental health. Regular dental visits can help to manage diabetes, as well as prevent the onset of diabetes in those who are at risk. Let’s take a closer look at how regular dental visits can help fight diabetes.
The Connection Between Oral Health and Diabetes
There is a strong connection between oral health and diabetes. When someone has poor oral hygiene, their chances of developing diabetes increase significantly. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to high blood sugar levels, which can worsen symptoms of existing diabetes. Regular dental visits are critical for those with diabetes because they allow dentists to identify potential problems early on so that they can be addressed before they become serious issues.
Oral Conditions Diabetes Can Cause or Worsen
Diabetes is a long-term condition that affects the body’s ability to produce or effectively use the hormone insulin. Unfortunately, diabetes can severely affect our oral health. Specifically, diabetes causes a decrease in saliva flow due to damaged salivary glands which can lead to an increase in dental cavities and gum inflammation. Additionally, diabetes prevents oxygen delivery resulting in delicate blood vessels that may break more easily causing dry mouth, recurrent infections and even delayed healing of wounds which can encourage overgrowth of bacteria. Therefore, people with diabetes need to pay close attention to their oral hygiene habits by brushing and flossing regularly, visiting the dentist twice a year for cleanings and professional checkups and reducing consumption of sweet substances to help manage diabetes related oral complications.
Regular Check-Ups Help Identify Potential Problems
Regular dental check-ups provide an opportunity for dentists to screen for signs of periodontal disease or other conditions that could indicate the onset of diabetes. For example, during a check-up your dentist may be able to spot signs of gum disease, which is linked to an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes. By identifying these potential issues early on, your dentist can work with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan and lifestyle changes that will help improve your overall wellbeing.
Good Oral Hygiene Can Help Manage Diabetes Symptoms
Good oral hygiene is essential for preventing the onset of Type 2 diabetes and managing the symptoms of existing cases. Brushing at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste helps remove bacteria from teeth while flossing helps keep gums healthy by removing food particles stuck in between teeth where brushing cannot reach them. Additionally, limiting sugary snacks and drinks such as soda and processed foods will help lower blood sugar levels, which in turn reduces the risk for developing complications related to diabetes such as nerve damage or blindness.
Come Visit Park 56 Dental Today!
At Park 56 Dental in New York City we understand the importance of good dental hygiene in managing diabetes symptoms and preventing its onset. Our team specializes in providing preventive care services designed to detect any signs or symptoms associated with either condition before they become serious problems. We recommend scheduling regular check-ups so that our team can monitor your oral health closely and recommend any lifestyle changes if necessary. Contact us today to learn more about our services!
How to Protect Your Teeth When Playing Sports
Whether you’re a pro athlete or an avid weekend warrior, playing sports is fun and can be beneficial to your overall health. But it’s important to keep your teeth safe while playing too. There are a few simple measures that you can take to make sure your teeth stay healthy while you’re having fun on the field, court, or rink. Let’s take a look at why protecting your teeth is so important and how Park 56 Dental can help.
Why is it Important to Protect Your Teeth?
The primary reason for protecting your teeth when playing sports is to avoid dental injuries such as broken or chipped teeth, which can happen even if you wear the proper protective equipment. Injuries like these can not only cause pain but also lead to infection and require restorative dentistry treatments like crowns, bridges, or implants to restore functionality and aesthetics of the mouth. Additionally, athletes may suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems or jaw fractures from taking hits in contact sports without adequate protection for their heads and mouths.
The Importance of Mouthguards
At Park 56 Dental we understand the importance of protecting yourself during physical activity. That’s why we offer customized athletic mouthguards that are specifically designed for each individual patient’s needs so they can play their sport safely and still perform well on the field. Our custom-made mouthguards provide superior protection compared to store-bought models because they are designed specifically for your mouth size and shape. We ensure that our mouthguards fit correctly and don’t hinder breathing or speaking during games or practices—so there’s no need to worry about missing out on any plays!
How Can I Protect My Teeth?
In addition to getting a custom-made athletic mouthguard from Park 56 Dental, there are other ways that you can protect your teeth when playing sports:
- Wear a helmet if applicable: Helmets are essential for contact sports like football, hockey, boxing, lacrosse, soccer etc., as they help protect both your head and face from serious injuries—including dental ones! Make sure you get one that fits properly; otherwise it won’t do much good in terms of protecting you from injury.
- Don’t chew gum or eat hard foods before playing: Chewing gum makes it harder for you to form a tight seal with an athletic mouthguard as well as distracts you from performing at peak levels on the field/court/rink. Eating hard foods could also damage braces or other dental appliances if worn during play time.
- Practice good oral hygiene: It’s always important to practice proper oral hygiene habits including brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily; however these habits become even more important when playing sports due to increased risk of dental injuries (as discussed earlier). Make sure you’re taking care of yourself by brushing and flossing regularly!
If you have any questions about how best to protect your teeth while playing sports—or would like more information about our custom-made athletic mouthguards—contact Park 56 Dental in New York today! We look forward helping keep your smile healthy and happy!
How to Care for Dental Veneers
If you’re looking to improve your smile, dental veneers are a great way to do it. But like anything else, proper care is essential to get the most out of your dental veneers. Park 56 Dental in New York can help you understand how best to take care of them so that they look their best and last as long as possible. Here’s what you need to know about taking care of your dental veneers.
What Are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are small pieces of porcelain or composite material that are custom-made to fit over the front surfaces of your teeth. They can be used to cover chips, discoloration, gaps between teeth, or other minor issues with your smile. Veneers can also help improve the alignment and shape of your teeth while providing a natural-looking result.
Avoid Grinding and Clenching Teeth
Veneer-related tooth damage is most often caused by grinding or clenching the teeth excessively. This type of wear-and-tear is often caused by stress and can cause damage to both natural and veneered teeth if left unchecked. If you have been grinding or clenching your teeth, it’s important to visit Park 56 so one of our dentists can assess the situation and come up with a plan for treatment.
Use Veneer-Friendly Toothpaste
It’s also important that you use toothpaste that’s specifically designed for people who have veneers on their teeth—these products are specially formulated not to damage dental work like composites or porcelain restorations. Our team at Park 56 can recommend specific products that won’t damage your veneers while still delivering excellent cleaning power!
Daily Maintenance
The best way to extend the life of your dental veneers is to practice good oral hygiene every day. This means brushing twice a day for two minutes each time, flossing at least once a day, and using an antiseptic mouthwash when needed. Make sure to use gentle strokes when brushing and avoid hard-bristled toothbrushes that may scratch the surface of your veneers.
Regular Checkups
It’s important to visit Park 56 Dental regularly for checkups, cleaning, and maintenance—at least twice a year—to ensure that your teeth are healthy and that your veneers look their best. During these visits, our professionals will check for signs of decay or damage and provide advice on how you can continue caring for your dental veneer investment. In addition, they can also repair or replace any damaged or worn-out veneers if necessary.
Avoid Certain Foods
You may still be able to enjoy some unhealthy foods such as candy or chips after getting dental veneers, but there are some foods that should still be avoided whenever possible to protect them from staining or cracking. Hard foods like nuts and apples should be chopped into smaller pieces before eating; sticky treats like chewing gum should be avoided altogether; acidic drinks such as coffee or soda should be consumed with caution; and darkly pigmented foods like blueberries can leave stains behind if not properly rinsed away afterwards.
Schedule an Appointment with Park 56 Dental Today!
With proper maintenance and regular checkups at Park 56 Dental in New York City, your dental veneers will stay looking beautiful for years to come! Taking just a few simple steps each day can extend the life of your investment significantly while helping you maintain a healthy smile overall. So don’t hesitate—contact us today if you have any questions about taking care of your dental veneers!
The Most Common Dental Problems
Good dental hygiene is essential for maintaining a healthy smile, but even the most diligent brushers and flossers are still prone to common dental problems. At Park 56 Dental in New York, we believe that knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your teeth and gums. Read on to learn more about the most common dental issues, as well as tips for preventing them.
Cavities occur when bacteria build up on teeth and produce acid that breaks down enamel, leading to a hole in the tooth. Many people mistakenly believe that only children get cavities, but adults can suffer from them as well. The best way to prevent cavities is to brush and floss regularly, use mouthwash after meals, eat healthy foods low in sugar and starch, and maintain regular check-ups with your dentist.
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by an accumulation of plaque at the gum line. It can lead to redness or swelling of the gums, bleeding while brushing or flossing, bad breath, and receding gums. To prevent gingivitis, make sure you’re brushing twice a day for two minutes each time using proper technique; use interdental cleaners such as picks or brushes; rinse daily with an antiseptic mouthwash; avoid smoking; and schedule regular dental cleanings every 6 months at Park 56 Dental in NYC.
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay occurs when bacteria builds up on tooth enamel due to poor oral hygiene habits or diet. It can cause sensitivity in cold or hot foods/drinks, pain when chewing food or biting down on hard objects like ice cubes or pens, discoloration of teeth (brown spots), visible holes in teeth (cavities), and bad breath. To reduce your risk of tooth decay, make sure you are:
- Brushing twice a day for two minutes each time with fluoride toothpaste.
- Flossing daily.
- Eating healthy foods low in sugar/starch.
- Avoiding sugary drinks like soda.
- Scheduling regular checkups with your dentist.
- Rinsing your mouth out with water after consuming any sugary snacks/drinks.
Stained Teeth
Stained teeth are often caused by drinking coffee, tea, or wine, smoking cigarettes, or cigars, or eating brightly colored foods like blueberries. They may also be caused by aging; as we get older, our enamel thins out and our teeth become more yellow or grayish in color.
Chipped Tooth
Chipped teeth occur when something hits your tooth hard enough for it to break off. This can lead to pain and swelling around the affected area if the nerve endings are exposed. A dentist at Park 56 Dental can fix it using bonding materials or a crown.
Impacted Teeth
An impacted tooth is one that doesn’t have enough room to grow properly due to overcrowding or misalignment of the other teeth in your mouth. Impacted teeth often appear crooked or stuck in place and may cause pain while eating or talking. If this happens, it’s best to see your dentist right away so they can assess the situation and recommend a treatment plan for you.
Cracked Tooth
A cracked tooth occurs when something hard hits your tooth with enough force to cause it to crack or break into pieces. This type of damage can range from extremely small cracks that don’t cause any pain but still need attention from your dentist at Park 56 Dental, all the way up to large cracks that require an emergency visit and possibly even root canal therapy.
Schedule an Appointment with Park 56 Dental Today!
Taking good care of your teeth is essential for maintaining good oral health over the long term and preventing more serious problems from developing down the road. By following these tips—and scheduling regular check-ups with Park 56 Dental in NYC—you can help ensure that your smile stays healthy now and into the future!
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