• How Sedation Dentistry Can Improve Your Experience in the Dentist’s Chair

    I love visiting my dentist

    For dental patients with high anxiety, even the thought of visiting the dentist’s office can be terrifying. Sedation dentistry can alleviate this anxiety, helping you to relax while you receive the dental care you need. Below is a closer look at some of the benefits of sedation dentistry.

    Comfort and Anxiety Relief
    For individuals who have a crippling fear of sitting in the dentist’s chair, sedation dentistry provides the comfort and relaxation they so desperately need. Dentists will administer a small amount of nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, to relax patients who have anxiety or fear . Once you are calm and resting quietly, your dentist will be able to perform the procedure that you came in for.

    Effective Dental Treatment
    Once you are calm, your dentist will be better able to perform the duties required of your visit. Chair anxiety can cause even the steadiest hand to slip, which can be painful and only exacerbate one’s dental anxiety. As the nitrous oxide takes effect, your relaxation opens the door to a more typical experience for the dentist. When you fully come to, you will experience better results than ever before.

    Regular Dental Visits
    Thanks to sedation dentistry, you can receive the dental care you need without experiencing the fear or anxiety that used to cripple you. This means that you will be more likely to stay up-to-date with your bi-annual dental visits. As you become more comfortable with your dentist, your overall dental health will improve as well.

    Come to Park 56 Dental in New York City for a comfortable dental visit experience. Call us at (212) 826-2322 to schedule a new patient appointment at our East Side Manhattan office today. We also offer emergency dental care and cosmetic dentistry, including Invisalign.

  • Quick Tips for Responding to a Dental Emergency

    In the event of a dental emergency , it’s important that you think quickly without panicking. Understanding a few principles of emergency dental care will increase your likelihood of preserving your teeth if one is ever damaged or dislodged in an accident.

    In this video, you will learn the appropriate first aid measures for various dental emergencies. If your lip has become bloodied due to accidental biting, clean the area and apply a cold compress. If a tooth becomes dislodged, rinse your dislodged tooth in water and soak it in a cup of milk to bring with you to the dentist. Click play for even more tips!

    Park 56 Dental provides emergency dental care for NYC residents . Call us at (212) 826-2322 to schedule an appointment. You can learn more about general and cosmetic dental services by visiting our website.

  • Caring For Your Teeth at Any Age: An Overview of How Your Oral Hygiene Needs May Change As You Get Older

    Happy mature woman admiring herself in the mirror

    A bright smile that lasts a lifetime requires diligent oral hygiene overseen by regular visits to the dentist . This is especially true as you get older and your oral health needs change. As you age, you are more at risk for gum disease and tooth decay, which means that you will have to make some adjustments to your oral care routine. Here are a few ways that you’re oral hygiene needs may change as you get older.

    Increased Dentist Visits
    Most adults go to the dentist once a year. However, the American Dental Association actually recommends that you visit the dentist every six months. Adults need to do this so that their dentist can inspect for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. These disorders feature symptoms that you might not recognize yourself, but your dentist knows exactly what to look for. Besides, an additional cleaning each year is only going to help you maintain your bright and beautiful smile.

    Improved Hygiene 
    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 25 percent of Americans over the age 60 are toothless. The top reason for this is decreased oral hygiene over time. You must brush at least twice daily, and preferably after each meal to prevent the plaque deposits that eat away at your teeth. Flossing shouldn’t be considered optional either. Plaque and bacteria thrive between your teeth where a brush can’t reach. If you are having difficulty brushing due to arthritis or other restrictive conditions, speak with your dentist about other solutions.

    Diet and Other Considerations 
    In addition to avoiding sugary snacks and meals, you will need to stay away from excessive alcohol use. Combined with cigarettes, alcohol can lead to oral cancer. Drinking fluoride water will help protect against tooth decay. If you stick to healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, your teeth will stay healthy and strong.

    Park 56 Dental can help keep your smile bright for a lifetime. Call us at (212) 826-2322 to learn why we are the top cosmetic dentists in New York City. Visit our website to learn more about full range of dental services.


    February 15, 2013: PLEASE NOTE: TELEPHONE OUTAGES HAVE BEEN REPORTED IN OUR AREA. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE REACHING US, PLEASE TRY OUR ALTERNATE NUMBERS: 212.826.1811 AND AFTER HOURS: 917.566.9419 OR YOU MAY E-MAIL Jennifer, Practice Director: jjvitulli@aol.com . We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  • Learn More Facts about Your Dental Care by Browsing These Sites


    You can never have enough knowledge about dental care . Your teeth are among the most important parts of your body, and your smile can easily be your most stunning feature! Follow these links to learn more:

    • Soreness or swelling inside the mouth can be indicative of a dental emergency. WebMD gives more information about this symptom and possible causes.
    • Invisalign is a good alternative for adults who don’t want traditional metal braces. Find out if Invisalign could be right for you by taking this online assessment quiz.
    • There are actually health benefits to smiling ! When you choose cosmetic dental treatments, you’ll have even more reasons to show off your pearly whites.
    • Certain foods can stain teeth easily , especially if your smile has recently been whitened. Read about 12 such foods in this slideshow from EverydayHealth.com.
    • One of the most hotly debated topics in dentistry is the effect that chewing gum has on teeth. Read The American Dental Association ’s take on this debate on their website.

    For more information on how to properly take care of your teeth, contact Park 56 Dental of NYC at (212) 826-2322 or visit us on the web . If you are looking for comprehensive dental care in a welcoming environment, be sure to contact us today!

  • What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

    Goal celebration

    There’s no telling when a dental emergency may occur, and even when it does, you might not recognize it as such. Generally, any dental injury that will get worse if not treated right away should be considered an emergency. Read on for a few examples of such injuries:

    Knocked-Out Adult Tooth
    If you lose an adult tooth, time is of the essence. If the tooth is to survive and be successfully restored, it will need to be examined by a dentist, preferably within 30 minutes of its loss. Before you pick up the phone to call your dentist, preserve your tooth by gently rinsing—not rubbing—it with cold milk, your saliva, or water. Then, re-implant the tooth in the gum’s open space and hold it there with your fingers or by biting down. Doing this correctly provides the best chance that your dentist will be able to re-implant the tooth permanently; however, do not force the tooth.

    Severe Swelling or Pain
    Sudden, unexplained swelling inside the mouth is potentially the most serious dental emergency, given that it can be indicative of anything from a simple infection to a cancerous tumor. If swelling worsens over a day or two or is accompanied by pain, fever, or breathing problems, seek emergency help. If your dentist is not available, you may seek care from the nearest hospital emergency room.

    Broken Jaw
    The jaw is the tenth most-broken bone in the body, and fractures should be taken very seriously. Not only can a broken jawbone knock teeth out of alignment, but also cause serious damage to the inside of your mouth. Your jawbone also supports your tongue; without this support, your tongue can block your airway and make breathing difficult. Before arriving at the dentist’s office, you may try to immobilize the jaw by gently aligning your teeth and tying a necktie or scarf under your chin and over the top of your head.

    At Park 56 Dental of NYC , we know that you can never predict when a dental emergency will occur. That’s why our office is staffed after-hours with an on-call emergency care technician. Contact us at (212) 826-2322 for more information, and ask about our cosmetic dental work as well!

  • Tips for Improving Your Flossing Technique

    Flossing is essential to keeping teeth healthy and warding off gum disease and infection. However, many people floss incorrectly without even realizing it. Luckily, with a few tips, you can keep your teeth sparkling clean and free of plaque.

    As this video shows, proper flossing technique involves using a foot and a half of floss to gently clean between each tooth with a fresh section of floss. In addition, be sure to clean beneath the gum line and clear out any loose debris with mouthwash or water. Click play to see a demonstration.

    The top dentists at Park 56 Dental of NYC are here to help you with all your general and cosmetic dental needs. Set up an appointment with us by calling (212) 826-2322.

  • Exploring the Many Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry


    Cosmetic dentistry has many benefits beyond aesthetics. When performed by a top cosmetic dentist , cosmetic dental procedures can actually help you live a more enjoyable life and maintain better oral health. Read on to find out how:

    More Youthful Appearance
    Teeth stain and weaken with age, sometimes turning a yellow or brown color. Cosmetic dentistry offers a number of procedures, such as veneers and teeth-whitening services, to reverse the signs of aging teeth. In no time at all, you’ll have a white, dazzling smile that will take years off your appearance and give your self-confidence a huge boost, thanks to all the compliments you’ll get.

    A Dazzling Smile
    The Invisalign orthodontic treatment will align crooked or overcrowded teeth, giving you a more appealing smile in a short amount of time. If you think that orthodontics serve only aesthetic purposes, think again. A perfect smile can be vital to success in many career paths in which image is everything, such as sales, media, and public relations. Straight teeth achieved through Invisalign are also easier to brush and floss than misaligned teeth; in other words, a straight smile will help you prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

    Improved Speech
    Gaps and crooked teeth can leave small spaces that make air whistle as you speak. Similarly, improperly aligned bites, or malocclusions, can impair your tongue and lip movements, sometimes causing a speech irregularity known as a lisp. When you choose Invisalign to straighten your teeth, your speech may be significantly improved.

    Park 56 Dental offers the best cosmetic dentistry services in NYC. Our experts are fully accredited and are available after-hours for any emergencies you may encounter. We also accept almost every dental insurance plan available to ensure we can help everyone in need of our services. Call us at (212) 826-2322 to set up an appointment today.

  • Click Through These Links For More Dental Care Tips

    Tooth First aid

    Your dental health is dependent on how well you care for your teeth and gums. Between visits to the dentist, it is important to maintain a healthy mouth at home. The following resources will give you more information on how you can engage in effective daily dental care.

    • Periodontal disease is a very serious and common condition that you can prevent through thorough dental care. The American Dental Association provides an overview of periodontal disease and what steps you can take to avoid it.
    • For more information on ways to alleviate the pain of erupting baby teeth , read this article presented by MayoClinic.com.
    • It is important to understand the basics of dental care . WebMD.com provides a helpful overview of brushing, flossing, eating the right foods, visiting your dentist, and even choosing the right toothpaste.
    • Basic preventative dental care can save you money ! Read this article by The Washington Times which argues that living a healthy life and seeing a dentist regularly are the keys to keeping your mouth healthy.
    • At the heart of effective dental care lies effective tooth brushing. Colgate.com provides a thorough guide to how to properly brush your teeth .

    An important component of your dental care routine is scheduling regular visits to the top dentists at Park 56 Dental . We are happy to answer any question you may have; call (212) 826-2322 today to schedule an appointment!

  • Why Do So Many Patients Choose Invisalign for Their Orthodontic Needs?


    If you have teeth that are not properly aligned, they may not only mar the appearance of your smile, but also lead to serious health issues. Fortunately, if you would like to straighten your teeth, Invisalign presents a popular way to completely address your needs. Here are a few reasons why you should talk to your dentist about Invisalign to acquire the beautiful smile you want:


    Quick, Effective Treatment
    If you live with overcrowded, gapped, or misaligned teeth, these dental issues can lead to periodontal disease , tooth decay, and jaw or joint problems. Invisalign effectively straightens and corrects your teeth, which can realign your bite and make teeth easier to clean, thereby preventing potential dental problems. As a result, Invisalign not only produces noticeable cosmetic results, but also helps keep you healthy.


    Invisible Aligners
    Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, as they are constructed from a special kind of clear thermoplastic material. As a result, only you and your cosmetic dentist will know that you are receiving orthodontic treatment. You can have confidence in the knowledge that people will only see your smile, and not your braces.


    Convenient Use
    Invisalign allows you great flexibility and comfort because they are removable. You are able to take out your aligners while you eat, drink, and brush your teeth, so you are better able to freely care for your teeth and gums. Your aligners do not require a high level of maintenance, so you will not have to schedule as many dental appointments as other orthodontic approaches may require. Invisalign gives you effective treatment, without interfering with your daily life.


    If you are interested in Invisalign or another cosmetic treatment, Park 56 Dental can help you perfect your smile and oral health. Our top NYC dentists provide every dental procedure you require in a relaxing and comfortable environment. Book your complimentary consultation today by calling (212) 826-2322.