• The Basics of Dental Sealants

    Portrait of a beautiful woman by the sea

    Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings that dentists use to protect teeth from decay. Teeth have small cracks and grooves that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. To stop food from remaining in these areas and becoming plaque, dentists use sealants to cover the tooth’s surface. Usually sealants are used to prevent tooth decay in children, but adults and young adults can have healthy teeth sealed as well.

    Sealants are typically good for three to five years, but they are only effective when they are still intact. Call your dentist to have your teeth resealed if you think a sealant has come off or loosened. While in place, sealants are a safe and effective way to protect teeth from decay and prevent cavities.

    For a dentist in NYC , look no further than Park 56 Dental. We have been offering comprehensive dental services to NYC patients for over 20 years. For more information about preventive dental measures such as sealants, call (212) 826-2322.

  • The Risks for Oral Cancer

    A strikingly large number of people will be diagnosed with oral cancer each year, but the five-year survival rate is 85% when the cancer is detected early. Risk factors for oral cancer include tobacco use, alcohol use, alcohol-based mouthwash use, and chronic irritation of gums due to other factors.

    During oral cancer screening exams, your dentist will check for lumps in the mouth, which may be early signs of oral cancer. He or she may also shine a special blue light in your mouth to find cancerous tissue. Under this light, normal tissue appears a different color from damaged tissue. Using this exam, a dentist can see if mouth tissue has changed. To find out more about oral cancer and risk factors, watch this video.

    Call the top NYC dentists at Park 56 Dental today for an oral cancer screening. We accept almost every insurance provider, and are dedicated to providing a pleasant experience for our patients . Call (212) 826-2322 to find out more.

  • How to Care for Your Under Armour Mouthguard


    Using an Under Armour mouth guard is the first step toward protecting your teeth from injury due to unexpected impact. It’s important to care for and clean your mouth guard to ensure that it continues to effectively offer the protection you need. Follow the tips below to keep your mouth guard from becoming infected and to make it last as long as possible.

    Be sure to rinse your mouth guard with water or mouth wash after each use. Don’t use hot water to rinse your mouth guard, because the plastic may become malleable and the shape may be altered. Clean your mouth guard with a toothbrush and toothpaste or soapy water regularly. Always allow the mouth guard to completely air dry before storage.

    Store your athletic mouth guard in a cool, dry container. Make sure that the container is ventilated so that air flow isn’t impeded, or bacteria may accumulate on the mouth guard.

    General tips
    You should wear your mouth guard during practice as well as while competing because you never know when impact may occur. Don’t share your mouth guard with teammates or siblings.

    Due to the amount of force they absorb, an athletic mouth guard will need to be replaced every two to three years. If your mouth guard receives a particularly forceful hit, check for cracks or tears. Check your mouth guard regularly for signs of wear and tear, and bring your mouth guard to each dental visit so that your dentist can evaluate it.

    Even if you play a non-contact sport, an Under Armour mouth guard is recommended to help protect your teeth. Under Armour mouth guards are used by many professional and collegiate athletes. The top dentists at Park 56 Dental offer fitting for Under Armour mouth guards and many more dental services to patients in NYC. Call (212) 826-2322 for an appointment or more information today.

  • Understanding Zoom Teeth Whitening

    The fine girl

    Whitening your teeth is a safe and effective way to improve your smile and boost your self-esteem. While there are many teeth whitening products available, you should speak to your dentist to find out which product will be the best option for your smile. Having your teeth whitened in the dentist’s office is the quickest way to get the results you want. At Park 56 Dental, we offer Zoom teeth whitening . Read below to find out about Zoom teeth whitening.

    Before your teeth are whitened, your dentist will do a quick exam to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. Teeth whitening is best for patients with healthy teeth . After the exam, the dentist will cover the surrounding areas of your mouth with material that will protect them during the whitening process.

    After your dentist applies Zoom whitening gel to the teeth, a special light is shone onto the gel. This light will activate the gel, and work to break up the stains on your teeth.

    Dramatic Results
    A Zoom teeth whitening visit usually consists of three 15-minute applications. This means that you can have whiter teeth in under an hour! With Zoom teeth whitening, your teeth can be up to eight shades brighter after only one session. If you want to have whiter teeth but don’t want to spend weeks applying a product at home, Zoom teeth whitening is the perfect solution. In-office Zoom teeth whitening only requires one quick visit to the office, and can lighten your teeth more effectively than over-the-counter products.

    Call the top NYC dentists at Park 56 Dental for your Zoom teeth whitening appointment today. We have been providing a range of comprehensive dental services, including teeth whitening, to New York residents for over 20 years. Call (212) 826-2322 for an appointment or for more information.

  • A Look at Invisalign Teen

    Woman smile

    Traditional metal braces are a common requirement for many teens; however, they can also be a source of embarrassment. Invisalign Teen offers a new way to improve your smile invisibly and eliminate stress about your looks during your dental treatment. No one will know you’re wearing Invisalign unless you tell them, and the aligners can be removed to eat, drink, and brush your teeth. This means you have no dietary restrictions, fewer visits to the dentist, and a smile you’ll be proud to show off every day. Your Invisalign trays are comfortable and durable, so you’ll never need to worry about discomfort distracting you from your favorite activities. You can participate in sports, play instruments, and invest your time in the things that really matter to you while receiving treatment for a straighter, healthier smile.

    Park 56 Dental is proud to offer Invisalign Teen to our patients in NYC. If you’re interested in Invisalign treatment, call us today at (212) 826-2322 to find out how you could receive $500 off your treatment . You can learn more about our top dentists and the quality services we provide by clicking through the information on our website.

  • What Are the Different Levels of Dental Sedation?

    Woman at the dentis

    Many patients feel anxious or uncomfortable when facing dental visits or dental work. Dental sedation is a safe and effective method for you to receive dental work. You will feel relaxed and have no memory of the procedure afterward. Park 56 Dental is proud to offer a variety of dental sedation options to our patients to ensure a comfortable and positive dental visit every time.

    Mild Dental Sedation
    Mild dental sedation is administered in the form of a pill or nitrous oxide . If you choose to receive mild sedation, you will remain awake and aware throughout your procedure. You will be able to breathe on your own and respond to commands or questions from your dentist. However, you will feel a sense of relaxation and comfort rather than worry or fear. Depending on what type of sedation you receive, you will recover fully from any medication within minutes to hours following your treatment.

    Moderate Dental Sedation
    Moderate dental sedation is delivered via an intravenous (IV) line during longer or more complicated dental procedures or for patients with slightly elevated dental anxiety. This form of sedation instills a greater sense of relaxation during treatment, although you will remain awake the entire time. This level of sedation may also be called conscious sedation. As moderate sedation may take several hours to wear off, a friend or family member must drive you home from your appointment.

    Deep Dental Sedation
    The deepest form of dental sedation causes you to drift between consciousness and unconsciousness during treatment. You are not able to respond to commands and will not remember anything about your dental treatment. As with moderate sedation, medication is often administered intravenously and the effects take several hours to completely disappear. You will need a responsible adult to accompany you and drive you home.

    Discover how comfortable and easy your next dental appointment can be with the help of dental sedation. Contact Park 56 Dental at (212) 826-2322 for the answers to your questions or to schedule your visit. Our top NY dentists are dedicated to your dental health, providing general, cosmetic, and emergency dental care for the entire family.

  • Cosmetic Dentistry for a Young and Vibrant Smile [INFOGRAPHIC]

    A bright, confident smile can take years off your appearance while conveying health and vitality. Cosmetic dentistry offers an easy way to turn back the clock and rejuvenate the look of your face without expensive or complicated surgical procedures. Consider the benefits of removing years of wear and discoloration from your smile in a single afternoon! For one, when your teeth look better, you will likely be more inclined to care for them properly to maintain their health and beauty. At Park 56 Dental in NYC, our top cosmetic dentists proudly offer a variety of treatments, from tooth whitening to dental implants, to improve your smile. Look over this infographic to find more information about how cosmetic dentistry can help you smile brightly and look younger. We believe that cosmetic dentistry is one beauty secret you’ll love to share, so feel free to pass this infographic along to your friends and family!


  • Understanding Invisalign Braces

    Your smile is an integral part of your life, and worrying about the appearance of your teeth can affect your self-confidence. Invisalign offers the perfect option to achieve straighter teeth without wires and metal braces.

    This video explains how Invisalign uses a series of clear, nearly invisible, customized aligners to straighten your teeth without braces. This treatment option allows you to make the right impression not only once your dental treatment is complete, but even during the process as well. Invisalign can drastically improve the appearance of crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth to achieve a smile you’ll be proud to share every day.

    Park 56 Dental is a preferred provider of Invisalign orthodontic treatment. Contact our NYC office today by calling (212) 826-2322 to learn more about achieving straight teeth invisibly with this unique system. Check out our website for more information about orthodontics and dental health.

  • The Answers to Your Cosmetic Dentistry Questions

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    A healthy, appealing smile boosts your confidence and makes a great first impression. Both small and large cosmetic defects in the teeth can be addressed with cosmetic dentistry procedures to restore or improve your smile. The best way to get the answers to your exact questions about your treatment options is to contact your cosmetic dentist today to schedule an appointment.

    Can Cosmetic Dentistry Repair or Replace Teeth?
    Dental bonding, veneers, or crowns can be used to restore and strengthen teeth that have been chipped, broken, or otherwise damaged. If you are missing one or a few teeth, dental implants or a bridge can replace these missing teeth to restore your smile.

    How Does Smoking Affect My Cosmetic Treatment?
    Smoking affects your dental health in many ways, contributing to gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer. Because smoking reduces blood flow to the gums, it raises your risk of dental implant failure. Continued tobacco use also contributes to stains on the teeth, reducing the effect of teeth whitening procedures.

    Why Do Teeth Change Color?
    Teeth may change color for a variety of reasons, including age, diet, tobacco use, injury, and certain medications. Teeth whitening is an easy and effective way to brighten the teeth and erase many common types of discoloration. However, not all tooth discoloration can be addressed by teeth whitening, so ask your cosmetic dentist about your options. Dental veneers are an alternative option to brighten the teeth for cases in which tooth whitening has little or no effect.

    Is Teeth Whitening Safe?
    Teeth whitening is a safe procedure that may be performed many times on your teeth. During your treatment, your dentist will take steps to protect your gums from the whitening gel. Temporary tooth sensitivity may occur but should fade following your procedure.

    If you’d like to learn more about improving your teeth, contact Park 56 Dental by calling (212) 826-2322. We specialize in cosmetic dentistry, smile makeovers, and dental implants in NYC to ensure that you love your smile. Check out our website to find more information about our top-ranked services and dentists.

  • Read These Articles For a Closer Look At the Effects of Aging On Oral Care

    Beautiful young woman embracing her father

    As you get older, you will find that your risks for oral health problems increase. Taking care of your teeth and gums is not only a matter of keeping a beautiful smile, but it is also crucial to protecting your entire body from harmful infections that start in the mouth. The information in these links can help you maintain proper oral health for a lifetime.

    • If you’ve avoided the dentist all of your adult life due to anxiety, WebMD wants you to know that sedation dentistry can help you relax enough to get the care you need.
    • Did you know that roughly 25 percent of American adults over age 60 have no natural teeth left in their mouths? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discusses this and other oral hygiene risks for older patients .
    • The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) set a section of their site aside specifically for older adult oral health resources . Click this link to learn more about dry mouth, oral cancer, gum disease, and finding a dentist if you don’t already have one.
    • Older adults on fixed incomes can have trouble paying for dental care. The American Dental Association has provided a PDF to help you organize your payment plan .
    • As you already know, all older adults aren’t at the same level of functionality and independence. This article from the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) takes this into consideration when discussing the importance of geriatric dentistry as a specialty.

    At Park 56 Dental in NYC , we maintain healthy smiles for people from all walks of life at our East Side Manhattan office. Call us at (212) 826-2322 to schedule an appointment or to discuss general dentistry, sedation, and cosmetic options like Invisalign.