• Are Straight Teeth Healthier Than Crooked Ones?

    Many people consider orthodontic treatment a cosmetic dentistry service. While true that Invisalign care can improve smiles, it can also bolster oral health. Crooked teeth can not only compromise appearances, but also cause multiple dental problems. Consider these reasons for talking to a top cosmetic dentist about your Invisalign options:

    Mature couple smiling

    Improved Oral Hygiene Effectiveness

    Crooked teeth can make it difficult to enjoy a clean smile. When the teeth crowd in the mouth, they can create areas of obscured tooth enamel and gum tissue. If a toothbrush or floss cannot reach these parts of the mouth, they can become vulnerable to bacterial and plaque growth. In contrast, straight teeth make it easier for toothbrush bristles and floss to clear away bacteria, food debris, and other contaminants.

    Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay

    When crooked teeth prevent effective oral hygiene practices, tooth enamel can suffer. Though an incredibly hard substance, enamel can become susceptible to tooth decay when bacteria have the chance to grow and cover it in damaging bacterial acids. The longer these acids remain on tooth enamel, the more extensive the harm they can do. If enamel erosion continues for an extended period of time, tooth decay may infiltrate the tooth interior, necessitating a root canal or tooth extraction. Aligned teeth facilitate the cleaning process, which reduces the likelihood that bacterial acids will attack and deteriorate tooth enamel.

    Lessened Danger of Periodontal Disease

    Crooked teeth make it easier for plaque to build on tooth enamel as well. Plaque forms when bacterial acids coat the tooth surface and mix with food remnants. This sticky substance causes gum inflammation, which may contribute to gum tissue recession. If early stage periodontal disease is not treated as soon as possible, it can trigger irrevocable damage to the gums and underlying bone. Under some circumstances, tooth loss can occur. However, straight teeth allow for better brushing and flossing practices, which can lower the instance of periodontal disease and tooth loss.

    Are your crooked teeth affecting your oral health? If you want to enjoy straighter and healthier teeth, call Park 56 Dental at (212) 826-2322. Our team of top cosmetic dentists in NYC can evaluate your orthodontic needs and recommend treatment options to correct them.

  • Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year

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    Biannual dental checkups are an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. During your regular checkup, your dentist will perform a complete inspection of your teeth and gums. This inspection will help him to spot common issues, such as cavities or gum disease, when they are small and have not caused significant damage. Early treatment for these dental conditions is often less expensive and less invasive than the treatment needed if the issue is allowed to persist. Additionally, dental checkups include an oral cancer screening. Oral cancer is a deadly but treatable condition, provided it is identified early. Your dental visit will conclude with a professional cleaning to remove tartar buildup from the teeth, which you cannot remove via regular brushing at home. If you have questions or concerns, you’ll also be able to discuss them with your dentist during your appointment.

    Is it time for your next dental checkup at Park 56 Dental? Contact us by calling (646) 783-3529 to schedule your appointment and find out more about general dentistry, smile restoration, and Invisalign. You can find more dental health information and tips on our blog .

  • Answers to Some of the Most Common Questions About Invisalign

    Invisalign offers orthodontic treatment without the need for metal and wire braces. Many teenagers and adults choose Invisalign because of its aesthetics, comfort, and convenience. If you’d like to learn more about Invisalign in NYC , contact Park 56 Dental today for a consultation.  


    How Does Invisalign Work?

    During treatment with Invisalign, you will wear a customized set of clear plastic aligners . Invisalign aligners snap directly over your teeth, making them impossible to detect when you smile or speak. The aligners exert gentle pressure that slowly moves your teeth into their proper positions. You will switch to a new set of aligners every two weeks to continue your treatment until your teeth have reached their ideal alignment.

    How Do I Care for My Aligners?

    Whenever you eat or drink, remove your aligners to avoid damaging or staining them. Keep the aligners in a hard plastic case to avoid throwing them away. When you are done eating and drinking, brush your teeth and replace your aligners. You should also remove your aligners and clean them when you brush your teeth. Soak the aligners in an Invisalign cleaning solution or brush them gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-whitening toothpaste. Rinse off the aligners and put them in once you are done brushing your teeth.

    How Often Do I Need to Visit My Dentist?

    During your Invisalign treatment, you will schedule a progress check with your dentist every four to six weeks. Your dentist will examine your tooth alignment and provide tips or other information about your treatment as needed. Most of these appointments are very short and can be scheduled at your convenience.

    Invisalign allows you to improve your smile at any age for greater confidence and improved dental health. You can join the millions of patients enjoying Invisalign treatment worldwide by calling Park 56 Dental at (646) 783-3529 to speak with a cosmetic dentist today . You can find the answers to more of your Invisalign and dental health questions on our website. 

  • Use This App to Teach Children Proper Brushing Techniques


    Proper daily oral care includes brushing your teeth for two minutes both morning and night. Teaching your child how to brush the right way will provide him with the foundation for good dental health all his life.

    The Toothbrush timer app helps to make brushing easy, fun, and effective for children. Once activated, the app shows your child which teeth he should brush and for how long. When it’s time to move on, both visual and audible cues are given to enhance the brushing experience. You can set the timer for two, three, or four minutes and choose from six different pictures for added customization.

    Park 56 Dental offers comprehensive dental care for children and adults in NYC. Our top dentists provide smile restoration, dental implants, emergency dentistry, and sedation dentistry options in a warm and supportive environment. Check us out online or call (646) 783-3529 to learn more.

  • Why Are Baby Teeth Important?

    The term “baby teeth” refers to the set of 20 primary teeth that first appear in the mouth. Around the age of six, these teeth begin to fall out and make way for the final set of 32 permanent teeth. Baby teeth play an important role in your child’s dental health as well as the development of his body and speech throughout childhood. 

    cute toddler smile

    Tooth Alignment

    Baby teeth are an important factor in the alignment of your child’s smile later in life because they act as placeholders for his permanent teeth. When a baby tooth is lost prematurely, it can cause the other teeth to shift and affect the placement of the permanent teeth when they appear. If your child accidentally knocks out a baby tooth, your dentist may provide him with a space maintainer to ensure the forming permanent tooth will erupt in the proper alignment.


    Your child’s baby teeth help him to obtain the nutrition he needs to build a healthy body. Teeth allow your child to bite and chew his food, ensuring he can eat a diet rich in the fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins he needs to grow. Painful or lost teeth can affect your child’s ability to eat, limiting the nutrients he ingests and affecting his growth and development. If your child appears to be experiencing tooth pain, schedule a visit to your dentist for an evaluation.


    In addition to allowing your child to eat the foods he loves, his teeth also help him to learn proper speech patterns. Problems with your child’s dental development could affect his ability to speak now and in later years. Healthy baby teeth are needed to help your child form the sounds that make up the words he will use every day.

    At Park 56 Dental , we provide complete dental care for families in NYC. You can schedule a visit with one of our top dentists by calling (646) 783-3529. Click through our website to find out more about our dental care services, including cosmetic and sedation dentistry.  

  • How Dentists Administer Sedatives to Patients

    Is your fear of the dentist getting in the way of your oral health? If you refuse to get the dental care you need because of anxiety issues, talk to your dentist about sedation dentistry. This service can make your time in the dentist’s chair peaceful and pain-free. The following information highlights the most common forms of sedation dentistry. 

    visit to dentist

    Through Injection

    Prior to undergoing any dental procedure, you can discuss with your dentist the level of anxiety you normally feel when receiving treatment. If your dentist deems that you have a significant amount of apprehension, he may recommend injectable sedatives. These types of sedatives can be administered through intravenous injection for swift and substantial comfort. Should you prefer to be unconscious during your procedure, your dentist can provide enough sedation so that you remember nothing of your treatment . He can also give smaller sedative dosages to render you calm, relaxed, and awake.

    By Prescription Pill

    Your dentist can also offer oral medication for sedation purposes. After determining if oral sedation is right for you, your dentist can prescribe a pill that is taken before you receive any treatment. By taking your prescription prior to receiving your dental care, the chemical components of the medication have time to induce a state of tranquility to enhance your treatment experience.

    Via Gaseous Medication

    Dentists often use nitrous oxide to make dental treatment an enjoyable experience for patients. If you suffer from a minimal amount of anxiety at the dentist’s office, ask him if you are a candidate for nitrous oxide. No injection or pill is necessary with this form of sedation dentistry. Your dentist will place a mask over your mouth and nose for a few minutes. During this time, you can inhale this safe gas, which will quickly calm your mind and body. Once in a relaxed state, your dentist can begin your treatment.

    Park 56 Dental is happy to provide our patients with a diverse array of sedation dentistry options to fit their individual needs. If you would like to learn more about the services that our NYC practice offers, call (646) 783-3529. You can also visit our website for additional information on our sedation dentistry techniques. 

  • Who Is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

    individual tooth tray for whitening

    Invisalign is an excellent orthodontic treatment option for individuals who want straighter and healthier teeth. Finding out if you make a good candidate for Invisalign care is as easy as meeting with a cosmetic dentist. In general, though, Invisalign is available for individuals with a wide range of orthodontic concerns. If you want more even teeth, yet are wary of the possible complications of braces, including tooth decay and periodontal disease, talk with your dentist. Because Invisalign aligners are removable, you can clean your teeth and gums as you normally would while undergoing orthodontic treatment. People who are discouraged by the noticeable appearance of braces can also benefit from Invisalign care. So if you would rather not wear conspicuous metal brackets and wires, consult your cosmetic dentist about Invisalign.

    Do you have more questions about Invisalign? Then call Park 56 Dental today at (646) 783-3529. Our practice offers exceptional orthodontic care by the best cosmetic dentists in NYC.

  • A Look at Some of the Most Common Dental Emergencies

    There’s never a good time to experience a dental emergency. If you or a loved one suddenly suffers from one, though, immediate professional help by a top dentist is important. As the following circumstances illustrate, letting a dental emergency persist can result in significant pain and lasting complications. 

    Emergency dental care

    Tooth Pain

    Toothaches often bring people to the dentist’s office. The cause of a toothache can vary , but each may reveal a serious underlying problem. Chronic tooth pain may indicate the presence of extensive tooth decay. This decay can penetrate the inside of a tooth and damage resident blood vessels and nerves. Sudden tooth pain may point to a cracked tooth. When the integrity of the tooth structure is compromised, it can lead to bacterial infiltration. This can also give rise to extensive tooth decay and infection, which require professional expertise to remedy.

    Lacerated Tongue

    A bump to the mouth or slip and fall accident can cause a painful and dangerous tongue laceration. The tongue is comprised of muscle tissue, and if injured, can suffer from permanent damage. A lacerated tongue can also result in extensive blood loss, which can make a person susceptible to dizziness and loss of consciousness. Seeing a dentist as soon as possible for suture treatment is necessary to ensure complete recovery.

    Fractured Tooth

    A broken tooth can produce both cosmetic and clinical complications. Depending on where the fracture occurs, it can leave the tooth vulnerable to a bacterial invasion, which can lead to a host of future oral health side effects, including cavity and infection problems. Consulting a dentist upon suffering a fractured tooth is imperative to treatment, as in some cases, the fractured component can be reattached to restore a person’s smile and prevent infection issues.

    Park 56 Dental is available to its NYC patients at all hours. If you experience a dental emergency, do not hesitate to contact us at (646) 783-3529. Our top cosmetic dentists can attend to your immediate needs as quickly as possible for your ultimate comfort and complete recovery.

  • Keep Track of Your Invisalign Treatment With This App!

    Successful Invisalign care requires that you regularly switch your aligners. The Align On Time application can guarantee that you change out your aligners on time for fast and effective orthodontic care. 

    Align on Time- itunes.apple.com

    The Align On Time app provides users with the means to schedule their treatment changes into their smartphone devices. So if you rely on your phone to keep you up-to-date on your most important events, Align On Time is for you! Once you input your information, you never again have to worry about missing the deadline for your aligner changes. Your phone will alert you each and every time you need to use a new Invisalign aligner.

    Park 56 Dental offers Invisalign treatment options for individuals in the greater NYC area. To make an appointment with a top cosmetic dentist , call us today at (646) 783-3529. 

  • Quick Tips for Tooth Loss

    A knocked out permanent tooth is one of the most serious dental emergencies. If this happens, it is important to act quickly to save the tooth . Handle the tooth carefully and avoid touching the root, as it can be easily damaged. If the tooth is dirty, rinse it with milk while holding it by the crown. If milk is unavailable, rinsing with water can also work. Do not wipe it with a cloth, as this could damage the tooth. Keep the tooth moist by placing it into a glass of milk. An alternative to this is placing it in the mouth, between the cheek and gum. After securing the tooth in a safe place, get to the dentist as quickly as possible.


    Park 56 Dental is an  emergency dentist  in NYC that can provide quick assistance in the event of a knocked out tooth. In addition to providing emergency dental care, we offer dental implants, cosmetic and sedation dentistry, oral surgery, and more. Visit our website or call (646) 783-3529 to learn more about our practice.