• Spotlight on Dr. Ginzler


    Dr. Ginzler is the newest member of the team here at Park 56 Dental, but she definitely brought skill and experience with her. She is a certified Invisalign provider with a true eye for aesthetics and arts—when she’s not busy being a dentist, she enjoys being a makeup artist!

    Dr. Ginzler earned her DMD from University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, which has since become Rutgers Dental School. She practiced in Manhattan for eight years before joining our practice as a top dentist in NYC. She enjoys each of her patients and loves getting to know everyone. When she’s not working at the office or home, she enjoys taking in a good movie, appreciating the arts, and getting away to the mountains.

    If you’d like to meet or consult with Dr. Ginzler or any of the top dentists here at Park 56 Dental , just give us a call at (212) 826-2322. You can also visit us online to learn more about the services we provide, including general, cosmetic, and emergency dental services.

  • Adjusting to Life With Invisalign

    If you’re considering Invisalign to straighten your smile, or you’ve already spoken with a top dentist and found out that you’re a good candidate, you might be wondering what life will be like once your treatment begins. The good news for you is that adjusting to life with Invisalign doesn’t take very much effort at all. In fact, after the initial couple of days of getting used to the new feeling, you probably won’t even think about your trays until it’s time to eat or brush!

    Portrait of A Beautifully Healthy Smiling Young Blond Woman

    Oral Hygiene Adjustments
    With traditional orthodontic options, major adjustments must be made to the oral hygiene routine in order to ensure adequate cleaning and healthy teeth. This simply isn’t true of Invisalign. The only thing you’ll have to add to your routine is a quick cleaning of your trays—less than two minutes every day. The way you brush and floss remains the same since you can literally remove your orthodontic treatment as needed and then pop it back in after!

    Mealtime Adjustments
    Once of the biggest inconveniences of traditional braces is the restriction on various types of food. Certain foods, such as hard or crunchy items, sticky foods like caramel, and even popcorn, can damage the hardware and make hygiene that much more difficult. With Invisalign , there are no food restrictions. None! Just transfer your trays to their case during meals and return them to your mouth when you’re done.

    Lifestyle Adjustments
    People who enjoy contact sports and an active lifestyle often have trouble coping with braces because of the increased risk of injury from the metal brackets or the risk of damaging the appliances themselves. This is a non-issue for Invisalign wearers. You can remove your trays to wear a mouthguard if needed, and you won’t risk doing damage to the soft tissues in your mouth.

    You’ll want to choose a top dentist in NYC for your Invisalign treatment for best results, and at Park 56 Dental , that’s exactly what we are. Visit our website to learn more about our practice and services, or just give us a call at (212) 826-2322 to set up an appointment. 

  • Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

    If you have tooth sensitivity, you know how excruciating it can be. For some, the sensitivity can be so severe that even breathing in cold air sends the nerves into a frenzy. Sensitive teeth can cause you to avoid some of your favorite foods for fear of pain, and may even cause you to practice less than ideal oral hygiene standards.

    Watch this video from the ADA to learn about what causes tooth sensitivity, as well as what you can do to get it under control. Certain toothpaste products have good results, but your dentist may be able to offer more options if those don’t work well for you.

    For more information about this topic, or to schedule dental work with some of the best NYC dentists, contact us at Park 56 Dental . Visit our website or give us a call (212) 826-2322 for a consultation or appointment.

  • How to Care for Your Dental Implants

    When the top dentist in NYC recommends dental implants, you know implants must be the right choice. Once you get your new implants, you must work hard to take good care of them. While your dentist will show you exactly how to care for them, it’s important to remember the little things. Read on for tips on how to care for your dental implants.

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    Brush and Floss Daily
    Just as you did before you got dental implants , you should brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. Even though implants don’t get cavities like natural teeth do, they still need to be cleaned; your gums need to be cared for, and you need to remove food particles and bacteria from the implants. Lack of daily cleaning can lead to gum disease and inflammation or infection around the implant.

    Visit Your Dentist Regularly
    The best dentists remind you that you should see them every six months for a professional cleaning and exam. This doesn’t change once you get dental implants. Continue to schedule twice yearly appointments for cleanings and to have the dentist examine your gums and implants. Diagnostic tests are also needed to ensure the bones around the implant rod are healthy. Your dentist will determine when you need these X-rays.

    Recognize Problems
    Proper care of dental implants include recognizing problems with the implants. Any loosening or changes in your bite should be reported to your dentist as soon as possible. The fix for that implant issue is easy, but don’t delay treatment. The problem could worsen. Let your dentist take care of the problem quickly to get you back to optimal oral health.

    In NYC, trust the top dentists at Park 56 Dental . Our cosmetic dentists can help you look your best, and our emergency dentists are here for you if a problem strikes. For an appointment with one of the best dentists in the city, call (212) 826-2322 today.

  • Why Do Gums Recede?

    Gum recession is something that the best dentists in NYC look for during checkups and appointments. Because this condition can lead to tooth loss, it is critical that care takes place as soon as possible. Watch this video to learn more about why gums recede.

    As you’ll learn, many things can cause gum recession, including trauma, heredity, tooth position, and periodontal disease. Since prevention is key to curtailing more serious problems, make sure you brush and floss daily and see a top dentist twice a year. If you do develop gum recession, ask your dentist about the procedures to correct the problem before tooth loss occurs.

    At Park 56 Dental , our dentists work hard to keep your teeth in the best possible condition. From routine dental care to cosmetic procedures to emergency dentistry, we offer a full range of oral health services. Schedule your appointment today by calling our office at (212) 826-2322.

  • Why More Adults Are Turning to Invisalign

    Cosmetic dentists in NYC often recommend Invisalign to their adult patients. Have you ever wondered why? It’s because the top dentists know how amazing this orthodontic treatment option is. Here are some of the reason more adults are turning to Invisalign to straighten their teeth:

    Oral Hygiene
    Invisalign’s removable trays allow you to maintain good oral hygiene. You can still brush and floss as recommended by your dentist without the need for any special steps or equipment. You won’t be prone to more cavities, and you won’t develop plaque or gingivitis as a result of improper brushing since brushing isn’t difficult as it is with traditional braces. Your teeth will stay clean and healthy while you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

    Close up Of A Smiling Man

    While teens may see braces as a rite of passage, many professional adults do not. Since Invisalign trays are nearly invisible, no one will notice them. You can lead your normal life, from work to dating to downtime, without metal braces changing the way you look—or how you feel. No one will notice that you’re getting straighter teeth until the results are visible. No matter what kind of work you do, you can have confidence that your work won’t be impeded by your choice to obtain a more beautiful smile.

    Live a Normal Life
    With very few restrictions, Invisalign gives you the freedom to enjoy life without being hindered by your cosmetic changes. You can eat what you want. You don’t have to worry about breaking a bracket or a wire coming loose. You can participate in any activity you normally would without fear of cutting your lips or gums on metal. Bedtime isn’t a huge oral ordeal. Invisalign makes your life so simple while giving you a stunning smile.

    To find out more about Invisalign, visit the top dentists in NYC at Park 56 Dental . Our cosmetic dentists can help you decide if Invisalign is right for you. We also provide routine and emergency dental care. For an appointment, call us at (212) 826-2322 today.

  • Get to Know Dr. Laura Ruof


    One of the top dentists in NYC is Park 56 Dental’s own Dr. Laura Ruof. Her wonderful personality and training in emergency dentistry make her a vital asset to our practice.

    After growing up in Buffalo, Dr. Ruof moved to Manhattan in 2006. She was chief resident at Brooklyn Hospital during her residency and earned a Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Buffalo School of Dentistry. Even now, she works hard to stay current on the latest developments in dentistry. Dr. Ruof loves interacting with her patients, and looks forward to seeing people each day. In her spare time, she enjoys playing tennis, knitting, and reading, and volunteers with an autism awareness group.

    To make an appointment with Dr. Ruof or any of the other top dentists at Park 56 Dental , call our office at (212) 826-2322. All of our staff is compassionate and personable, which makes your visit a pleasant experience. Let us take care of your routine, cosmetic, and emergency dental care needs.

  • Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

    Inside every tooth is some pulp that houses the nerve, which allows you to feel different sensations and temperatures on your teeth. If decay or infection reaches the pulp, it causes intense pain. Without the proper treatment, this can lead to an abscess that might eventually affect the jaw and the rest of your health. Root canal therapy can get rid of the damaged or infected pulp and save the tooth. Keep reading to learn more about the procedure:

    Cleaning Out the Tooth
    When you first visit the dentist’s office, he or she will take an X-ray to see if the infection has reached the surrounding bone. If it has not and the dentist decides to go ahead with the root canal, he or she will start the procedure by cleaning out the tooth. The dentist drills a small hole into the tooth. He or she then removes the damaged pulp, any existing bacteria, and other debris from the center of the tooth.

    Portrait Of A Happy Woman

    Sealing the Tooth
    Once all of the pulp and bacteria are removed from the tooth , the dentist can temporarily seal it to prevent any further decay from developing inside. This ensures that the tooth is safe from contaminants while you wait for your permanent filling or crown.

    Placing a Crown
    If there is significant damage to the tooth, the dentist might want to add a permanent crown to prevent any further damage. This crown gives you back the aesthetic appeal and the function of your natural tooth so you do not have deal with a weakened tooth. As long as you properly care for it, the crown will be a comfortable and durable addition to your mouth.

    At Park 56 Dental, our dental team does everything possible to ensure that you get the oral care you need. From root canals to emergency dentistry, we are here to help you get the healthiest, most attractive smile. To learn more about our services or why we are considered the best cosmetic dentist in New York City, visit us online or call (212) 826-2322.

  • A Look at Accelerated Invisalign

    Crooked or crowded teeth can significantly decrease the aesthetic appeal of your smile. If you want to get straighter teeth but do not want to wait to get them, Accelerated Invisalign could be the ideal treatment option for you. Keep reading to find out how this straightening procedure can help you get your ideal smile:

    The Same Treatment in Less Time
    Patients must wear traditional Invisalign aligners for a majority of the day in order to enjoy their straightening results. Accelerated Invisalign gives you the same kind of treatment in just twenty minutes a day. These specialty aligners send micro vibrations that shift the bone and the teeth back into their proper location . This means that the aligners work in an even shorter amount of time without sacrificing your results. Accelerated Invisalign can get you straighter teeth without interrupting your life.

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    Safe Treatment Period
    Accelerated Invisalign is a safe way of correcting orthodontic issues and improving the look and feel of a bite. It is an FDA-approved teeth-straightening option that has been used successfully since 2009. If your orthodontist decides that this treatment can correct your issues, you can feel confident that it will shift your teeth into place without causing any other issues in your mouth.

    Comfortable Orthodontic Treatment
    The invention of traditional Invisalign aligners gave patients a way to enjoy a less painful orthodontic treatment than metal braces. Accelerated Invisalign makes the teeth straightening process even more comfortable than ever. The micropulse sends 8x less force to the mouth than an electric toothbrush, which means you will not even feel it as it adjust your teeth into place.

    If you are interested in straightening your teeth with Accelerated Invisalign, Park 56 Dental can help. Our New York City dental office uses the top technology and our expertise to ensure that every patient has the best experience. To learn more about treatments like Accelerated Invisalign and cosmetic dentistry, visit us online or call (212) 826-2322.

  • How Tobacco Affects Your Oral Health

    Using tobacco products can negatively affect your oral health. Not only do they stain your teeth, but they also cause bad breath.

    Smoking or using chewing tobacco can also lead to gingivitis, which is the first stage of periodontal disease. It can also cause leukoplakia, which are whitish, thick patches on the gums, the tongue, and the cheek. Prolonged use might also cause oral cancer. Learn more in this video.

    At Park 56 Dental , we offer our patients every kind of dental service to ensure that they get the care they need. From general to restorative dentistry, we do everything we can to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with a top dentist in NYC, visit us online or call (212) 826-2322.