Top Food and Drinks that Cause Tooth Discoloration

Everyone wants their pearly whites to be—well, pearly white. You may be good about brushing and flossing every day, but the culprits of your stained teeth could be found in your diet. Here are the top food and drinks that cause tooth discoloration, and how to restore the sparkle to your smile.
What Causes Tooth Discoloration?
While it’s full of antioxidants that are good for your body, tea is infamous for staining teeth. All types—including herbal, white, green, and black—can cause stains. The darker the brew, the worse the stains.
It’s no surprise that if a drink can stain a tablecloth, it can also stain your teeth. The dark color of red wine is known for causing tooth discoloration, but white wine, which contains even more acid than red, is an equally guilty culprit.
Berries and fruits
Vibrant blueberries, cherries, blackberries, and pomegranates are packed with antioxidants, but their bright colors and high acid content can stain teeth—so can juices and pies made from these berries and fruits.
Dark sauces
Soy sauce, tomato sauce, and curry may be tasty, but these deeply colored, often highly acidic sauces can cause tooth stains. Light-colored, cream-based sauces are less serious offenders.
Sports drinks & carbonated sodas
They may be packed with electrolytes to replenish what you lose in your sweat, but artificially colored, acidic sports drinks can erode enamel. Carbonated beverages are even worse because they contain tooth-staining chemical additives, in addition to artificial dyes and acids.
If your favorite candy stains your tongue, you can bet it also stains your teeth. Sour candy is the worst because it contains citric or tartaric acid, which eats away enamel.
How to Prevent Tooth Discoloration
Cut back
Strive to decrease or eliminate the unhealthy tooth-staining culprits listed here from your diet, especially soda and candy. Then, limit your intake of the rest, mixing other healthy, non-staining foods into your diet as well.
Drink through a straw
Sip on stain-causing drinks through a straw to limit how much they come in contact with your teeth.
Swallow quickly
Enjoy the taste of your food or drink, but don’t swirl it around in your mouth longer than necessary. Swallow soon to prevent prolonged exposure to tooth-staining colors, chemicals, and acids.
Rinse, chew gum, or brush your teeth
Swish your mouth out with water shortly after eating or drinking something known for staining teeth. Chewing sugarless gum is also effective. If possible, brush your teeth, but wait at least 30 minutes after eating acidic food, or you could damage your enamel.
Schedule a Dental Cleaning
The good news is that most surface stains can be removed with a professional dental cleaning. That means the key to preventing tooth discoloration is as simple as visiting your dentist every six months! Park 56 Dental will leave your teeth looking shiny, healthy, and beautiful.
Let our NYC dentist take care of your smile! To schedule an appointment, please call us at (212) 826-2322 today.
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