Surprising Facts About Gum Disease
It’s often thought that the teeth are the most important component of oral health. But actually, the gums play a critical role too. The health of your gums reflects the overall state of your oral health and systemic well-being. That’s why it’s so important to get to a dentist for gum disease treatments as soon as you notice any symptoms. By becoming better informed about gum disease, you can become a proactive advocate for your own wellness.
Gingivitis and gum disease are nearly the same thing.
Dentists often hear patients wonder about the difference between gingivitis and gum disease since the terms are often used interchangeably. Gingivitis is actually a form of gum disease. Gum disease occurs in stages, becoming progressively worse. Gingivitis is the first stage. At this point, the gums are inflamed, puffy, and tender, and they may bleed when brushed or flossed. Gingivitis is easily reversed with scaling and root planning, as long as the patient follows good at-home oral care.
The body’s natural response causes inflammation.
Now that you know inflammation is part of gum disease, you might be surprised to learn that gum disease doesn’t directly cause inflammation. In a patient with gum disease, bacteria build up in the mouth, infecting the gum tissue. The body’s natural response to bacteria is to trigger the inflammatory process. As the gum tissue is harmed, it releases chemicals that cause fluid leakage into the tissues. This results in swelling. It also helps wall off the bacteria from surrounding tissues.
Gum disease can affect a developing fetus.
It’s recommended that women who are trying to conceive and those who become pregnant see a dentist early on in the pregnancy. This is because expecting mothers are at an increased risk of developing gum disease. Additionally, it’s possible for untreated gum disease to affect the health of the unborn baby, such as by increasing the risk of premature birth and low birth weight.
Here at Park 56 Dental, our friendly dentists firmly believe that every patient should be able to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile. We strongly encourage you to schedule a dentist appointment in NYC every six months for preventive care. If you notice potential signs of gum disease and need an appointment sooner than this, give us a call at (646) 783-3529 and we’ll fit you in as soon as possible!
Spotlight on the Risk Factors for Tooth Loss
Tooth loss is normal in four-to-six-year-old children, but not in adults. Although tooth loss is quite common in adults, it shouldn’t be considered to be a normal consequence of the aging process. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of tooth loss at any age. With good oral care from your dentist and a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy your pearly whites well into your 80s, 90s, and beyond!
Never or Rarely Receiving Routine Dental Care
Some people only visit the dentist when they suffer a toothache or other dental emergency. However, it’s really important to visit a dentist at least every six months for professional teeth cleaning and exam. The dental hygienist uses professional instruments that can scrape away plaque from underneath the gum line. Dental hygienists can also remove calculus or tartar, which is hardened plaque that’s impossible to remove with a toothbrush and floss. This intensive cleaning reduces your risk of developing problems like gum disease and tooth decay, which may eventually cause tooth loss. In addition, the dentist’s exam can detect problems early, before they cause symptoms. The early treatment of oral health problems can help prevent tooth loss.
Smoking or Chewing Tobacco
Tobacco use is a significant risk factor for tooth loss. There is no “safe” amount that one can smoke; even just one or two cigarettes per day will harm your health and raise your risk of tooth loss. According to the American Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), smokers are twice as likely to suffer from tooth loss as non-smokers. People who smoke a pack a day can expect to lose at least two teeth every 10 years. Remember that it’s never too late to quit smoking. Even if you’ve already lost some teeth, quitting now can preserve the rest of them. Plus, you might not be a candidate for dental implants while you remain a smoker.
Tooth loss can be troubling, but with tooth implants, you can enjoy a beautiful and complete smile once again! Call (646) 783-3529 if you’re curious about getting dental implants in NYC. The dentists at Park 56 Dental look forward to meeting you and discussing your treatment options.
Moderate Dental Sedation 101
Sedation dentistry is an excellent option for patients who are nervous about their upcoming visit to the dentist. There are different levels of sedation. Your dentist may recommend moderate sedation if you have moderate dental anxiety or require a lengthy, complex treatment. Be sure to tell your dentist about your full medical history before receiving any sedatives. Your dentist will consider your current medications and medical conditions before confirming that moderate sedation is a good choice for you.
Moderate sedation is achieved through oral medications or intravenous (IV) medicines. It’s also referred to as conscious sedation because the drugs won’t force you to fall asleep. However, you’ll be completely relaxed, time will seem to pass quickly, and you probably won’t remember much about your treatment. You may be groggy for quite some time afterward. For your own safety, please arrange to have a responsible adult take you home and stay with you for a little while.
Park 56 Dental is a leading provider of sedation dentistry services in NYC. New and current patients can give us a call at (646) 783-3529 if they have any questions about upcoming dentist visits.
Tips for Treating Swollen Gums
If you have gums that are swollen, tender, or bleeding, there’s a good chance that you could have gum disease. Visit a dentist as soon as possible to get the problem under control. Your dentist can clear up the infection and heal your gums with treatment options like scaling and root planing. The sooner gum disease is treated, the easier it is to reverse.
While you’re waiting for your dentist appointment, watch this featured video to get some helpful tips on managing your swollen gums. You’ll learn why mouth rinse that contains peroxide can help, and you’ll discover which over-the-counter medications can fight inflammation.
At Park 56 Dental, we focus on delivering friendly, patient-centered care within a relaxing, judgment-free setting. Call (646) 783-3529 to request our next available dentist appointment in NYC.
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