Use These Tips to Promote Healthy Teeth for Life

If you ask any of the top dentists in NYC what their tips are for healthy teeth, you’ll probably hear the advice outlined in this video. Visiting your dentist’s office every six months is a must, regardless of whether or not you experience oral health problems. Your dentist and dental hygienist will examine your smile, offer guidance, and perform a thorough cleaning.

Watch this video for more quick tips from top dentistry experts. You’ll learn how long you should brush your teeth for, what type of toothpaste you should use, and how often you need to floss. It’s also a good idea to limit or avoid sugar, especially sugary drinks like soda and juice.

When it’s time to schedule your dental cleaning in NYC, you can call Park 56 Dental at (929) 299-6238. Our team looks forward to helping you improve the health and beauty of your smile !