The best dentists in NYC agree that daily dental care and informed preparation can lead to a healthy recovery from a root canal procedure. Read on to see how to prepare for and recover after your root canal procedure.
Dental Visits
When preparing for your procedure, you will likely schedule one to three dental visits. These visits with your dentist or endodontist—which is a dentist specializing in teeth nerves—will concern the procedure, the restoration, and the recovery. You and your top dentist c in NYC will determine the right dental crown material and make the necessary molds and impressions to create your crown restoration. Each visit will get you closer to a pain-free and functional tooth.
Root Canal Procedure
During the root canal procedure , your dentist will numb and sterilize the affected area for your comfort and safety. Then, he will drill into the tooth to reach the infected nerves. He will remove the infected nerves, and he will ensure that the root canals are sterilized and free of infection. The canals will then be filled with a permanent sealant called gutta-percha. Depending on the extent of the root canal and tooth damage, your smile restoration may consist of a dental filling or a dental crown, which will be placed following the procedure during a separate visit.
Healthy Recovery
To have a healthy and quick recovery, follow your dentist’s instructions as closely as possible. These instructions will likely include maintaining your daily dental care routine. In addition to brushing twice a day and flossing, ensure that your immune system is strong by eating healthy foods and continuing daily exercise. Avoid smoking at all costs, because this can negatively affect your body’s ability to heal.
If you have root canal pain near NYC , visit the office of Park 56 Dental for comprehensive root canal treatment. We will address your symptoms and fit you with a strong restoration to last a lifetime. Please call us at (646) 783-3529 to schedule a root canal consultation.