Your Dental Sedation Options

Thousands of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of fear or anxiety. If your fear of the dentist keeps you from getting regular checkups, dental sedation could help. With a wide range of sedation options , your dentist can help you get over these issues and receive the oral care that you need to maintain a beautiful smile:

Emergency Dental Care -

Mild Sedation
Mild sedation, or anxiolysis is usually reserved for patients who have a small level of anxiety about dental work and those who are undergoing longer procedures. The dentist administers the sedative orally, and although you stay awake throughout the procedure, you can breathe on your own and enjoy a feeling of great relaxation. Within a few hours, you will be back to your normal level of alertness.

Moderate Sedation
This secondary form of conscious sedation is used for  people with slightly stronger dental anxieties  or those who are receiving complex procedures. The sedative is administered through an IV and lets you stay awake but relaxed throughout the duration of the procedure. If you are going to get moderate sedation, you should ask a friend or family member to come to your appointment and drive you home when it is over.

Deep Sedation
The strongest option, or deep sedation, has patients alternating between consciousness and unconsciousness without retaining any memory of the procedure. If you have strong dental anxiety or are receiving a long and complex procedure, this might be the right sedation option for you. If you are going to be receiving deep sedation, it is imperative to bring someone with you who can ensure that you get home safely.

As one of the  best dentists in New York City , Park 56 Dental is here to help you get past your dental fear or anxiety and get the procedures you need for a healthy mouth. We work with you to ensure that you feel comfortable at all times. To learn more about our sedation options, call (646) 783-3529.